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HomeBusiness and AccountsProduct Life Cycle: Its Stages and Comparison with BGC Matrix

Product Life Cycle: Its Stages and Comparison with BGC Matrix

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The product life cycle is a concept that describes the stages a product goes through from its introduction to the market until its eventual decline or discontinuation. You can also say that, it is the time period when and product is introduced to the customers and until it is removed from the markets. Understanding the product life cycle is essential for businesses as it helps them strategize and make informed decisions regarding product development, marketing, and resource allocation. We will learn more about this concept in this article.

Different Stages of Product Life Cycle

The product life cycle typically consists of four stages: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline, which are described in detail below:


The introduction stage is the initial phase when a product is launched into the market. During this stage, the product is new, and consumers are not yet aware of its existence. Companies focus on building awareness, generating trial, and establishing a customer base. Marketing efforts typically emphasize product features and benefits to differentiate it from competitors. Sales volumes are usually low, and companies may face high costs due to product development and marketing expenses.


In the growth stage, the product experiences an increase in sales and market acceptance. Consumer awareness grows, and early adopters start purchasing the product. Positive word-of-mouth and effective marketing campaigns contribute to accelerating sales. Companies often expand their distribution channels and invest in product improvement and innovation to gain a larger market share. Competitors may enter the market during this stage, leading to increased competition and pricing pressure.


The maturity stage is characterized by a plateau in sales growth as the product reaches its peak level of market penetration. Market saturation occurs, and most potential customers have already adopted the product. Sales stabilize, and competition intensifies as companies fight for market share. Price competition becomes prevalent, and companies focus on cost control and maximizing profits. Marketing efforts may shift towards customer retention, brand loyalty, and product differentiation to maintain market position.


The decline stage marks a decline in sales and market demand for the product. Several factors contribute to the decline, such as changing consumer preferences, technological advancements, or the emergence of new products. Companies face shrinking market share and decreasing profits. Some companies may choose to discontinue the product, while others may attempt to extend its life cycle through product diversification, repositioning, or targeted marketing to niche markets. Eventually, the product reaches obsolescence and is phased out from the market.

It’s important to note that the duration of each stage in the product life cycle can vary significantly depending on the industry, market conditions, and the nature of the product itself. Therefore, businesses need to continually assess and adapt their strategies to effectively manage each stage and maximize the product’s profitability and longevity.

Advantages of Using the Product Life Cycle

Strategic Planning

The product life cycle provides a framework for strategic planning. By understanding which stage a product is in, businesses can make informed decisions regarding product development, marketing strategies, pricing, distribution channels, and resource allocation. This helps companies effectively plan and allocate resources based on the specific needs of each stage.

Product Portfolio Management

The product life cycle assists in managing a company’s product portfolio. It enables businesses to assess the performance and potential of each product in their lineup and make decisions about introducing new products, extending the life cycle of existing ones, or discontinuing underperforming products. This helps maintain a balanced and profitable product portfolio.

Marketing and Communication

The product life cycle guides marketing and communication strategies. It helps businesses tailor their messaging, promotional efforts, and positioning based on the characteristics and needs of each stage. For example, in the introduction stage, marketing efforts may focus on creating awareness and educating customers, while in the growth stage, emphasis may shift towards differentiation and building brand loyalty.

Financial Planning

The product life cycle aids in financial planning and forecasting. By understanding the typical sales patterns and profitability of products at different stages, businesses can estimate revenue streams, plan budgets, and allocate resources accordingly. It also assists in identifying investment opportunities and potential risks associated with different stages of a product’s life cycle.

Limitations of Using the Product Life Cycle

Variability and Unpredictability

The duration of each stage and the shape of the product life cycle curve can vary significantly across industries, product categories, and individual products. Some products may have shorter life cycles, while others may experience longer maturity stages. External factors such as technological advancements, market disruptions, or changing consumer preferences can also disrupt the typical life cycle pattern, making it less predictable.

Simplified Model

The product life cycle is a simplified model that assumes a linear progression from one stage to another. However, in reality, products may experience fluctuations, regressions, or even cycles of revival. The model does not capture all the complexities and nuances of real-world market dynamics.

Limited Focus on Customer Needs

The product life cycle primarily focuses on the product’s performance and market demand rather than the evolving needs and preferences of customers. Overemphasis on the life cycle stages may lead to a lack of customer-centricity, overlooking the importance of continuously understanding and addressing customer needs and expectations.

Marketing Strategies May Vary

While the product life cycle provides a general framework, the specific marketing strategies employed by businesses may vary based on their unique circumstances, competitive landscape, and market conditions. A one-size-fits-all approach may not be suitable for all products or industries.

Despite these limitations, the product life cycle remains a valuable tool for businesses to gain insights into their products’ performance, plan strategically, and make informed decisions throughout the product’s journey. However, it should be used in conjunction with other market research, data analysis, and customer insights to form a comprehensive understanding of the product’s position in the market.

Product Lifecycle and BCG Matrix

The product life cycle and the BCG Matrix are two popular strategic management frameworks used by businesses to analyze and make decisions about their product portfolio. While they share some similarities, they have distinct differences in their focus and application.

In summary, the product life cycle and the BCG Matrix are both valuable tools for strategic analysis and decision-making. The product life cycle focuses on the individual product’s life cycle stages, while the BCG Matrix analyzes the overall product portfolio. Both frameworks offer insights into different aspects of the business and can be used together to gain a comprehensive understanding of the product portfolio and make strategic decisions accordingly.

Product life cycles for different types of products

Technology Product (Smartphone)

Introduction: A new smartphone model is introduced to the market, featuring advanced features and capabilities. Marketing efforts focus on creating awareness and attracting early adopters.

Growth: Sales of the smartphone increase rapidly as more consumers adopt the new technology. Competitors enter the market, leading to increased competition and product enhancements.

Maturity: The smartphone reaches market saturation, and sales growth stabilizes. Companies focus on differentiation, price competition, and building brand loyalty. Incremental improvements are made, but major innovations may be less frequent.

Decline: Technological advancements and the introduction of newer smartphone models lead to a decline in sales. The product becomes outdated, and consumers shift their preferences to newer models or technologies.

Also refer:

Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (Soft Drinks):

Introduction: A new soft drink variant is introduced to the market, featuring a unique flavor or packaging. Marketing campaigns aim to create awareness and trial among consumers.

Growth: The soft drink gains popularity, and sales increase rapidly as consumers embrace the new flavor. Distribution expands, and promotional efforts emphasize brand differentiation.

Maturity: The soft drink reaches a stable market position with a loyal customer base. Sales growth slows down, and competition intensifies. Companies focus on maintaining market share through marketing campaigns, pricing strategies, and product extensions.

Decline: Consumer preferences change, and sales decline due to competition from new beverage options or changing health trends. Companies may discontinue the product or explore rebranding or reformulation to revitalize sales.

Fashion Product (Jeans)

Introduction: A new line of jeans is launched, featuring unique styles or innovative materials. Marketing efforts focus on creating buzz and attracting fashion-conscious consumers.

Growth: Sales of the jeans increase as the product gains popularity among target consumers. Retailers expand distribution, and marketing campaigns emphasize the brand’s unique selling points.

Maturity: The jeans brand becomes well-established, and sales stabilize. Marketing efforts focus on brand loyalty, customer retention, and expanding into new markets. Competitive pricing and collaborations with influencers may be employed.

Decline: Changing fashion trends and consumer preferences lead to a decline in sales. The jeans brand faces competition from new fashion trends or emerging brands. Companies may adjust their product offerings, explore limited edition collections, or discontinue certain styles.

These examples illustrate the typical life cycle stages that products may go through. However, it’s important to note that the duration and characteristics of each stage can vary depending on various factors, including the industry, product category, and market conditions.


The product life cycle provides a framework for understanding the stages that a product typically goes through from its introduction to its eventual decline. By analyzing the product life cycle, businesses can make informed decisions about product development, marketing strategies, resource allocation, and overall portfolio management.

Different types of products experience distinct life cycle patterns. Technology products, such as smartphones, undergo rapid growth and innovation before eventually facing saturation and decline due to technological advancements. Fast-moving consumer goods, like soft drinks, may go through periods of growth, maturity, and decline influenced by changing consumer preferences and market dynamics. Fashion products, such as jeans, ride the waves of changing fashion trends, experiencing cycles of popularity and decline.

It’s important to note that while the product life cycle provides a general framework, the duration and characteristics of each stage can vary significantly depending on industry dynamics, market conditions, and individual products. Additionally, external factors such as technological advancements, competition, and consumer behavior can disrupt the typical life cycle pattern.

Understanding the product life cycle helps businesses develop appropriate strategies and allocate resources effectively at each stage. By monitoring market trends, staying adaptable, and continuously innovating, companies can extend the life cycle of their products, identify opportunities for growth, and make informed decisions about when to introduce new products or phase out underperforming ones.

Ultimately, the product life cycle serves as a valuable tool for businesses to navigate the complexities of the marketplace, anticipate changes, and make strategic decisions that contribute to their long-term success and profitability.

Read more: Product Development Process: Generation of Ideas to Product Commercialization

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Rajesh Pant
Rajesh Pant
My name is Rajesh Pant. I am M. Tech. (Civil Engineering) and M. B. A. (Infrastructure Management). I have gained knowledge of contract management, procurement & project management while I handled various infrastructure projects as Executive Engineer/ Procurement & Contract Management Expert in Govt. Sector. I also have exposure of handling projects financed by multi-lateral organizations like the World Bank Projects. During my MBA studies I developed interest in management concepts.
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